Saturday, October 28, 2017

Some Drastic Changes

Well, in my 8th year of homeschooling, with a 13-year-old, a 9-year-old, and a 2-year-old, I reached my breaking point.  It's been a difficult few months.  I have seriously considered sending one or both of my boys to public school and have investigated online some private schools as well.  I have found keeping up with everything to be nearly impossible this year. 
I am making some changes, and we'll see how they work, and if they work, and what other changes need to be made.

I have put Bee into an algebra class.  I am signing Bug up for Time4Learning, where we will be using the math and science sections, for now.  I am letting Bug quit Spanish because I don't have the energy to make him do it.  We are taking a break from foreign language for the year for him, with the tentative plan of starting Latin next year.  Oddly, for the first time, both boys are really enjoying "homeschool days" at museums, so we are doing a lot of those. 

The boys are fine; all three kids are fine; the truth is that I am not fine.  Homeschooling is hard, exhausting, and thankless.  So is being a mom to a teen, tween, and toddler.  I am taking care of myself; I am getting some long-overdue therapy; and I'm looking forward to a more balanced lifestyle in the future. 

UPDATE: 2/28/18 (4 months later)
I'm doing WAY better, due to therapy, self-care, new friendships, and increased involvement in the larger community (mainly my church).