I've always been of the opinion that a person does not have to spend money in order to homeschool well. It can be done on a relatively low budget using a library card, computer, Internet access, printer and ink, and basic office supplies.
I feel fortunate that we do have money that we can spend on our children's education, and I try to use it to reduce our family's stress level. I spend very little on curriculum and spend the bulk of it on outside classes and activities. This saves me time, and Bee and Bug have really come to enjoy their outside classes, which are very high quality and fun, one advantage to moving to the large metro area where we now live. They were not happy when our coop ended for the school year.
So, here is a list of what I spend money on:
Classes: Bee will be taking Lego robotics (FLL), stock market game, Diplomacy (the game with real world scenarios), philosophy, drama, math enrichment, and writing. Bug will be taking Lego robotics (pre-FLL), drama, history, puppets, sewing, math enrichment, and a craft class.
Activities: Piano lessons and climbing class at the climbing gym. (These count towards their "school," but I would obviously pay for activities if they went to traditional school as well).
Workbooks: I have bought 6 workbooks, math, grammar, and a writing prompt book, about $10 each. I also bought the dry erase handwriting books, one of which is already shelved, and being saved for the 13-month-old.
Curriculum: I bought Spanish for You! conversaciones, as well as TOPS Radishes. I'm really happy with both of these programs. Maybe I have finally figured out what I like in curriculums. I may need to buy some additional All About Spelling supplies too, and I may buy more from TOPS. I try to only buy these things when I need them and not buy too far in advance, since plans can change.
Supplies: I didn't have to get much, just some random things for the TOPS Radishes, like extra foil and plastic wrap, masking tape. I bought a magnifying glass on Amazon. I bought some slap bracelet rulers, which Bug is obsessed with, from Target. I got a big pack of mechanical pencils, dry erase markers, a new small dry erase board, and some cardstock.
I am going to buy the extra large tote bag from Land's End, as the large one (that I've had since my college days) isn't quite going to fit all of our stuff when I add in the spelling. It has been very convenient having a big bag to put everything inside. I like it a lot better than keeping things on the shelf.
Cleaning Service: This is worth absolutely every penny. My wonderful husband set us up with a monthly cleaning service. We have had three cleanings so far, and I cannot express how much stress this has taken off of both of us. We feel comfortable having people over again. Once a month, we do a major declutter, and then the cleaners take care of the rest. We just have to do light cleaning in between. So, I can focus on being a mom and a teacher, and he can focus on being a dad after work. And we don't have to feel bad about failing at keeping up with the house. I am very happy to admit that I cannot do it all.
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